Monday, February 25, 2008

Beer Die: A Gentlemen's Game

Beer Die, a "gentleman's game," is a drinking game involving four people, a die, table, four solo cups, and beer. It combines the highly competitive nature, required skill, and tradition of sport with the copious beer consumption commonly found in other drinking games. Unlike most beer-based games, drinking and scoring are generally unrelated. There is no consensus on where the sport originated as numerous colleges and fraternities claim to have invented the sport. It is, however, generally believed that it originated in the state of Maine, namely at Colby College. Nobody has yet traced the history of Beer Die to Beer Pong, but the games share much of the same equipment. One legend has it that during a game of beer pong, a player stepped on and crushed the last ping pong ball, and a die was substituted in its place.

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